Prayer for Families Prayer Card

Prayer for Families Prayer Card


Heidi Busse
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***Sold in packs of 50***

A Prayer for Families

All-Loving God, we thank you for all of your good gifts, especially the gift of family.

For parents and grandparents who nurture our faith and lift us up in difficult times, we thank you, God.

For brothers and sisters who laugh and listen and celebrate with us in joyful times, we thank you, God.

For holidays and holy days when we join together around the table and remember the bond that unites us, we thank you, God.

For all those who love us and care for us and welcome us home again and again, we thank you, God.

For the gift of eternal life and the promise that we will one day join all of the beloved who have gone before us, we thank you, God.

With the guidance of the Holy Family, may we remain a strong and vibrant family of faith, now and forever.


Also available in Spanish.


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