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A Prayer for Our Nation
Gracious and loving God, we come to you in humble prayer for the United States of America.
Bless our President. Give him wisdom and strength to serve the American people and lead our country in ways that are pleasing to you.
Bless our Congress. Instill in them knowledge and understanding to enact laws that protect the sanctity of life -- from the unborn to the elderly; and promote the good of all people.
Bless the people of the United States. Make us aware of our responsibility as citizens to uphold the principles of life, liberty, justice, and equality.
Send your Holy Spirit upon our beloved country. Make us people of faith in time of uncertainty. Make us people of hope in times of trouble. Make us people of compassion with those who are less fortunate. Make us people of peace in our homes, our communities, our country, and our world.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.
Pages | 1 |
Copyright | 2008 |
ISBN | 978-1-59276-600-0 |
Item | X883 |