Showing 1 - 20 of 39 results

  • Compendium on the Diaconate: A Resource for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons

    The Compendium on the Diaconate: A Resource for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons explores how bishops, along with their helpers, the priests and deacons, have taken up the service of community, exercising the divinely established ecclesiastical ministry on different levels. -The Church is ministry, service, diaconia, and it is called to be of service to the many aspects and sectors of the Church.

    Libreria Editrice Vaticana and United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (Author), Enzo Petrolino (Editor)
    Item: T2950
  • Missionary Disciples Going Forth with Joy: National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry

    Missionary Disciples Going Forth with Joy: National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry addresses the entire Church in the United States and seeks to strengthen the Church's response to the Hispanic/Latino presence while embracing and fostering the contributions of Hispanic/Latino Catholics as missionary disciples serving the entire People of God.

    Discípulos Misioneros en salida con alegría: El Plan Pastoral Nacional para el Ministerio Hispano / Latino se dirige a toda la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos y busca fortalecer la respuesta de la Iglesia a la presencia hispana/latina, mientras abraza y fomenta las contribuciones de los católicos hispanos / latinos como discípulos misioneros al servicio de todo el Pueblo de Dios.

    United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
    Item: T2879
  • Rooting Your Teen in the Faith: A Field Guide for Catholic Parents

    There is no perfect blueprint for evangelizing teenagers, but there is the right relationship: the parent-child bond. In Rooting Your Teen in the Faith, family coach, catechist, author, and mom Kim Cameron-Smith empowers parents to shepherd their teens, guiding them to discover their mission, deepen their faith, and discern the truth about their identity and purpose.

    Kim Cameron-Smith
    Item: T2673
  • Praying for You Card

    Use this stationery for any occasion — from “get well” to “thinking of you,” and much more. A lovely watercolor illustration of the rosary reminds us of the importance of praying for those we care about. This card will both inspire and affirm.

    These ten cards with matching envelopes are 5” x 7” and have the message “I prayed for you today” on the inside.

    Item: CRD2765
  • Thank You Card

    Use this beautiful stationery to thank those who have graced your life with kindness. Whether a heartfelt act, a work of mercy, or any other gift has been bestowed on you, this card will help express your gratitude.

    These ten cards with matching envelopes are 5” x 7” and have the message “I thank God for you” on the inside.

    Item: CRD2766
  • Confirmation Card

    This beautiful card will help you congratulate the family member, friend, or classmate who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation. The striking artwork on the front of this card helps remind the recipient of the many saints who serve as models of faith and whom we can imitate throughout life.

    These ten cards with matching envelopes are 5” x 7” and have the message “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love” on the inside.

    Item: CRD2767
  • Sacraments Card

    Whether a family member or a friend is celebrating a baptism, wedding, First Communion, Holy Orders, or entering into full communion with the Catholic Church, this beautifully designed card is perfect for any of these events, and more.The attractive artwork that enhances the front of this card will remind this special person of the graces bestowed on us through the sacraments.

    These ten cards with matching envelopes are 5” x 7” and have the message “The power of Christ lives in the sacraments” on the inside.

    Item: CRD2768
  • Chaplet of the Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Exclusive to OSV! This chaplet was created to honor the founder of OSV, Father John Francis Noll, who had a special devotion to the Blessed Mother. The Chaplet of the Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary, hand-crafted by expert makers Grant and Celeste Louvier, founders of Born Again Rosaries. This prayer, dating from the seventeenth century, consists of three sets of one Our Father and four Hail Marys, prayed to honor Mary’s three crowns of Excellence, Power, and Goodness.

    Grant Louvier
    Item: ROS2739
  • Seven Sorrows Chaplet

    Exclusive to OSV! The Seven Sorrows Chaplet, hand-crafted by expert makers Grant and Celeste Louvier, founders of Born Again Rosaries, is a work of art, and was designed to enhance your prayer of the Seven Sorrows Rosary. This devotion, dating back to the fourteenth century, is an invitation to meditate on the sorrows of the Blessed Mother.

    Grant Louvier
    Item: ROS2740
  • Chaplet of the Blessed Sacrament

    Exclusive to OSV! The new Chaplet of the Blessed Sacrament, hand crafted by expert makers Grant and Celeste Louvier, founders of Born Again Rosaries. This Chaplet, approved by Pope Pius X in 1911, consists of a Blessed Sacrament medal and 33 beads, representing Christ’s 33 years on earth.

    Grant Louvier
    Item: ROS2742
  • Alleluia Note Cards

    Exclusive to OSV! These note cards are perfect for almost any use — as a thank you note, an invitation, or just a note to remind someone they are loved. The beautiful watercolor design and lettering is a lovely reminder to praise God always.

    Set of 25 cards with matching envelopes are 3.5" x 5" and are blank inside.

    Item: NC2590
  • I'm Catholic Now What Package

    An exclusive two-book package, only available from OSV. The perfect gift for a new Catholic, for someone entering RCIA, or anyone who is curious about the Catholic faith, this package includes I'm Catholic. Now What?" and The Catholic Source Book. This is the ultimate package for helping Catholics continue to learn about their faith long after they've completed RCIA. Each book allows the reader to dip into sections as questions arise, or dive deeper to learn about a particular topic or theme. Covering everything from prayer and devotion, to customs and rituals of the Church, these books are amazing references that will foster lifelong learning and love of the faith.

    Item: T2597
  • I'm Catholic. Now What?

    Now that you're Catholic, you might be wondering, "Now what?" Shaun McAfee understands. As a convert, he wanted to take part in the sacraments, really prepare for Mass, learn how to defend and share his faith, and understand certain Catholic devotions. Yet he wasn't sure how to do any of this, or where to look for answers once RCIA was finished. If you feel the same way, I'm Catholic. Now What? Is the perfect resource for you!

    Shaun McAfee
    Item: T2025
  • relit Complete Set

    relit helps you take a step back to look at your parish life and ministries with a new lens, a renewed perspective. You will learn how to take the good work you are already doing and discover how these ministries can be more effective. Even seemingly everyday events, like offering coffee and donuts, can be transformed into opportunities to evangelize!

    Item: M23000007
  • relit-3 DVD set

    relit helps you take a step back to look at your parish life and ministries with a new lens, a renewed perspective. You will learn how to take the good work you are already doing and discover how these ministries can be more effective. Even seemingly everyday events, like offering coffee and donuts, can be transformed into opportunities to evangelize!

    Michael Dopp
    Item: M23285384

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