Showing 1 - 20 of 91 results

  • Eucharistic Adoration, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    The call of Eucharistic adoration is, among other things, a call to present ourselves to the Real Presence of Jesus Christ. But what are we supposed to do at Eucharistic adoration? How do we do this right? How do we make this prayer count?

    Leonard DeLorenzo
    Item: P2781
  • Saint Margaret of Castello, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    Your parish families may not recognize the name — Saint Margaret of Castello — but they will soon know and revere her as a saint who can teach us all about the logic of divine love. Margaret’s life was, on the surface, tragic — multiple disabilities, cruel and indifferent parents, confined in solitary for years, then abandoned in a strange city a homeless beggar. So why, in the face of all this suffering, was Margaret compassionate, loving, and joyful? This pamphlet captures the thrilling and inspiring story of a woman whose deep faith, trust in God’s providence, and selfless giving allowed her to rise above her limitations, teaching us that everyone is capable of serving God and fellow man.

    Leo Zanchettin
    Item: P2726
  • St. Joseph: A Patron for Us All, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    How can Catholics learn to emulate one of the world’s most popular saints – Saint Joseph? By learning about his life, his faith, and his role in Salvation history as the guardian of Mary and the adopted father of Jesus. This beautiful pamphlet is an easy-to-read overview of his life and explaining why he is venerated, and why he is the Patron of the Universal Church, and patron for us all.

    Michael Heinlein
    Item: P2679
  • Fratteli Tutti, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    Help Catholics in your parish understand the teachings in Pope Francis’ latest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti in this brief and easy-to-understand pamphlet. Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship outlines the eight chapters in the encyclical and gives an excellent overview of its teachings on fraternal love, world peace, and social justice. It is important for Catholics to understand and act on the call to care for one another, promote the common good, and respect the dignity of all persons. Share this pamphlet with your entire parish and encourage them to take the next step and read the encyclical in its entirety. This pamphlet is also a useful resource for RCIA candidates, as well as faith formation classes and groups.

    Joseph White
    Item: P2661
  • The Domestic Church, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    Now more than ever it’s vital for parish communities to help Catholics learn about, understand, and strengthen their domestic church at home. In this pamphlet from OSV, Catholics will grow to understand what makes up a “domestic church” and what it can mean to them personally and to the life of the Church. They’ll also be introduced to the three parts of the Liturgy of Domestic Church Life, and learn some practical ways to practice this liturgy at home. Families of any shape or size can encounter God’s grace in their ordinary lives as they are united to God and to one another through the sacramental life of the Church and truly learn to live as a domestic church.

    Greg & Lisa Popcak
    Item: P2609
  • Advent: Enter the Moment, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    Advent: Enter the Moment is filled with practical ideas and tips for keeping the season holy. From scripture and Advent symbols, to five ways to practice Advent joy and Advent wreath lighting ideas, this pamphlet is a "guide" that every family will use throughout the season.

    Item: P2638
  • Holy Black Catholics, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    We are blessed by the contributions of black Catholics in the Church in the United States, particularly their illuminating legacy of holiness. The struggles and pain faced by the African American community are succinctly captured in the lives of six black Catholics now being considered for canonization. In these individuals, we can find the greatest of human characteristics, truly men and women for our times. Help your parishioners understand that, through them, we are drawn more deeply into the mystery of Jesus’ saving love.

    Michael Heinlein
    Item: P2607
  • Is This Marriage Valid? Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    For any number of reasons some Catholics decide to marry outside the Church. Some couples may not realize that it poses a problem, and others may desire for their marriage to be valid in the eyes of the Church but have some impediment to convalidation. This easy-to-read pamphlet helps parish families understand what constitutes validity, what convalidation is, and advice on how to proceed if they want to make their marriage valid in the eyes of the Church. Couples will also learn the spiritual benefits of validating a marriage, and how to talk to family members about their decision. Help couples open the conversation in a gentle, non-judgmental way with this useful handout.

    Lorene Duquin
    Item: P2573
  • Making a Spiritual Communion, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    Help your Spanish-speaking parish families understand the act of spiritual communion with this thorough but easy-to-read pamphlet. With Masses suspended worldwide as an effort to control the spread of COVID-19, many Catholics are turning to the devotion, but even in normal times there are reasons why Catholics may be unable to receive the Eucharist. This pamphlet will help your parishioners understand the facts about our Mass and Communion obligations, when spiritual communion may be necessary, what the Church teaches about it, and how to make an act of spiritual communion.

    Michael Heinlein
    Item: P2586
  • The Psalms: The Bible's Prayer Book, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    Encourage Catholics to grow in their love and understanding of the “Bible’s Prayer Book,” the Psalms. In this easy-to-read pamphlet, readers are given an overview of the types of psalms – hymns of praise, hymns of thanksgiving, and laments – as well as suggestions for how to incorporate them in personal prayer. The Lord himself knew and prayed the Psalms, and his example challenges us to use them in our lives and allow them to touch our hearts.

    Art Zannoni
    Item: P2534
  • Declaring Saints: How the Canonizations Process Works, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    Finally, a thorough, detailed look at how the Church declares saints – in a pamphlet! Help Catholics or non-Catholics understand the “who, what, how, when, and why” of the entire canonization process. Through the understanding of this process, Catholics will be reminded that we are all called to become saints by living lives of sacrifice, charity, and virtue.

    Michael Heinlein
    Item: P2517
  • What You Need to Know: Annulments, SPANISH

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    This easy-to-read pamphlet is a great source of facts about one of the most misunderstood ministries in the Catholic church - annulments. It clearly defines what an annulment is and what it is not, specifies the grounds for an annulment, explains who needs an annulment, and describes the formal annulment process. This pamphlet includes the latest information from the Vatican, and is a wonderful tool to keep on hand at the parish for families who may be affected, or for anyone wishing to know the truth about annulments.

    Lorene Duquin
    Item: P2492
  • Finding Freedom from Pornography, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    Pornography addiction is a growing epidemic in America today. It is an addition that can have the same effect on the brain as cocaine, is widely available, and has a devastating effect on relationships, families, and marriages. In this pamphlet you can help men and women learn that they can recover, and seven effective steps they can begin taking to be free from pornography. Helpful to have available in or near the confessional, and for use by ministry staff for individual counseling.

    Peter Kleponis
    Item: P2357
  • What is a Permanent Deacon?, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    For many, deacons are a bit of a mystery. Like bishops and priests, deacons are members of the clergy who receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders, not to the priesthood, but unto sacred service. What Is a Permanent Deacon? helps us understand the history behind the deaconate as well as the duties and importance of this sacred role.

    Deacon Dominic Cerrato, Ph.D.
    Item: P1992
  • Why Stay Catholic? Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    There are many challenges facing the Church in the United States and around the world. While many Catholics are tempted to leave the Church during times of trial, it's important to stay close to Christ and his Church. In this pamphlet, readers will find eight reasons to stay Catholic.

    Gretchen R. Crowe
    Item: P2301
  • Mary, Mother of the Church, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    A new memorial for the Blessed Mother will now be celebrated each year on the Monday after Pentecost. This feast day honors Mary as mother of the Church, a title which has its roots traced back to the 4th century. As mother of Christ, we who are members of his body are also her sons and daughters. Help parishioners embrace Mary's motherhood, and turn to her on this feast day -- and every day -- for her intercession and her help.

    Robert Fastiggi
    Item: P1994
  • Rejoice and Be Glad, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    An easy-to-read summary of the apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate by Pope Francis. Readers will learn several key teachings from the exhortation including: We are made to be saints; We are all called to holiness; We can live out holiness in our ordinary, everyday lives; and much more!

    Michael Heinlein
    Item: P2016
  • How Do Faith and Reason Work Together?, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10***

    St. John Paul II once wrote that faith and reason are "two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth." The idea that faith and reason work together can sound startling to people who think that the two are somehow opposed to each other. But when you look more closely at how faith works, and how reason works, then you can see that neither faith nor reason can operate alone.

    Brother Guy Consolmagno
    Item: P1943
  • How to Cultivate Empathy, Spanish

    ***Sold in packs of 10.***

    Empathy does not mean that you agree with the person. It does not mean that you simply feel sorry for that person. Empathy is understanding, at a very deep level, what someone else is experiencing. We cannot always solve other people's problems, but we can try to understand their pain, their struggles, and their hardships.

    Lorene Hanley Duquin
    Item: P1941

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