Catholic Parent Know-How

Catholic Parent Know-How

Overview of Restored Order, Spanish  

JoAnn Paradise
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As parents guide their children on the journey to complete the sacraments of initiation, they may have many questions: “Isn’t it unusual for children to receive Confirmation before the Eucharist? Why are people using the words “restored order” or “original order”? “I thought or was taught that you needed to be more of an adult to receive Confirmation — why is the Church changing what it has always done?” This resource is meant to help parents reflect on those very questions. It invites them to move to a deeper understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit in the Sacraments of Initiation and explore the celebration of the sacraments from a historical perspective. Most importantly this resource will o?er parents the opportunity to hear the call of the Holy Spirit to live a more conscious life of faith.

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Also available in English.


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