Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord offers pastoral and theological reflections on the reality of lay ecclesial ministry. It affirms lay ministers' service and synthesizes current best thinking and best practice. This is an excellent resource for diocesan bishops and for all others who are responsible for guiding the development of lay ecclesial ministry in the United States.
Pages | 72 |
Copyright | 2024 |
ISBN | 978-1-63966-143-5 |
Item | T2856 |
Colaboradores en la viña del Señor ofrece reflexiones pastorales y teológicas sobre la realidad del ministerio eclesial laico, afirmación de los que sirven de este modo y síntesis de lo mejor del pensamiento y de la práctica.
Missionary Disciples Going Forth with Joy: National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic/Latino Ministry addresses the entire Church in the United States and seeks to strengthen the Church's response to the Hispanic/Latino presence while embracing and fostering the contributions of Hispanic/Latino Catholics as missionary disciples serving the entire People of God.
Discípulos Misioneros en salida con alegría: El Plan Pastoral Nacional para el Ministerio Hispano / Latino se dirige a toda la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos y busca fortalecer la respuesta de la Iglesia a la presencia hispana/latina, mientras abraza y fomenta las contribuciones de los católicos hispanos / latinos como discípulos misioneros al servicio de todo el Pueblo de Dios.
Catholic parishes are staffed by dedicated, passionate members of the laity who are often underpaid and overworked but nevertheless continue to labor in the vineyard of the Lord. Whether you are on staff or a volunteer, faith, hope, and a sense of humor are crucial to surviving and thriving in parish ministry.
Go and Make Disciples provides a clear roadmap for evangelization in today's world. Written for all Catholics, not just those in parish and evangelization ministry, this book provides the faithful with a powerful instrument for opening wide the doors of Christ.