Faith Fusion, Elementary Edition provides a comprehensive introduction to the teachings of our Catholic faith presented in a lively and engaging design for ages 8-11. Effective for use in a two-year sacrament preparation process combined with Encounter with Christ or as part of the RCIA/OCIA process adapted for children. New for 2023, the Revised and Expanded edition includes additional content on the Sacraments of Initiation, the Ten Commandments, and the steps in the catechumenate process.
The Student Book is structured around 24 core lessons, organized into four units. Each unit corresponds to one of the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. At the heart of each lesson is a balance between Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, the foundations of our Catholic faith.
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Fusión en la Fe proporciona una introducción completa a las enseñanzas de nuestra fe católica presentada en un diseño animado y atractivo para edades de 8 a 11 años. Efectivo para su uso en un proceso de preparación sacramental de dos años combinado con el Encuentro con Cristo o como parte del proceso RICA/OCIA adaptado para niños. Como novedad para 2023, la edición revisada y ampliada incluye contenido adicional sobre los sacramentos de iniciación, los Diez Mandamientos y los pasos del proceso del catecumenado.
El Student Book está estructurado en torno a 24 lecciones básicas, organizadas en cuatro unidades. Cada unidad corresponde a uno de los cuatro pilares del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. En el centro de cada lección hay un equilibrio entre la Sagrada Escritura y la Sagrada Tradición, los fundamentos de nuestra fe católica.
Pages | 464 |
Copyright | |
ISBN | 978-1-68192-752-7 |
Item | X2623 |
Faith Fusion, Elementary Edition provides a comprehensive introduction to the teachings of our Catholic faith presented in a lively and engaging design for ages 8-11. The Catechist Guide features wrap-around instruction to effectively cover the lesson, Scripture backgrounds for the catechist, and strategies for adapting each lesson for children with special needs.
Fusión en la Fe proporciona una introducción completa a las enseñanzas de nuestra fe católica presentada en un diseño animado y atractivo para edades de 8 a 11 años. La Guía para catequistas presenta instrucción integral para cubrir eficazmente la lección, antecedentes bíblicos para el catequista y estrategias para adaptar cada lección a niños con necesidades especiales.
Faith Fusion, Elementary Edition provides a comprehensive introduction to the teachings of our Catholic faith presented in a lively and engaging design for ages 8-11. The Student Book is structured around 24 core lessons, organized into four units. Each unit corresponds to one of the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. At the heart of each lesson is a balance between Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, the foundations of our Catholic faith. New for 2023, the Revised and Expanded edition includes additional content on the Sacraments of Initiation, the Ten Commandments, and the steps in the catechumenate process.
Faith Fusion, Elementary Edition provides a comprehensive introduction to the teachings of our Catholic faith presented in a lively and engaging design for ages 8-11. The Catechist Guide features wrap-around instruction to effectively cover the lesson, Scripture backgrounds for the catechist, and strategies for adapting each lesson for children with special needs. There is a unique Test for Recall feature that provides a quick review of Church teaching previously presented. New for 2023, the Revised and Expanded edition includes additional content on the Sacraments of Initiation, the Ten Commandments, and the steps in the catechumenate process.
Faith Fusion, Junior High Edition provides a comprehensive overview of the faith built on the four pillar structure of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Student Book brings the Catholic faith to life in words and images, and provides a complete review of the Catechism of the Catholic Church for middle school students.
Fusión en la Fe proporciona una descripción general completa de la fe construida sobre la estructura de cuatro pilares del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. El Libro del Estudiante da vida a la fe católica en palabras e imágenes y proporciona una revisión completa del Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica para estudiantes de secundaria.