En su exhortación apostólica Laudate Deum ("Alaben a Dios"), el Papa Francisco aborda las preocupaciones sobre el medio ambiente en el mundo con el respeto a la vida y la dignidad humanas. Esta continuación de su encíclica Laudato Si': Sobre el cuidado de la casa común examina lo que ha sucedido desde 2015, cuando se publicó la encíclica, y lo que aún queda por hacer.
El Papa Francisco profundiza en el tema de la ecología humana presentado en Laudato Si' y en la idea de que los seres humanos y el medio ambiente están inextricablemente entrelazados. Este nuevo documento se centra en particular en los últimos fenómenos meteorológicos extremos y en las catástrofes que han afectado a personas de los cinco continentes. El Santo Padre insta a una mayor acción medioambiental y señala cómo la degradación medioambiental puede conducir a la degradación humana, especialmente en el trato que reciben los pobres y marginados.
Laudate Deum se publicó el 4 de octubre, fiesta de San Francisco de Asís, homónimo del Papa, cuyas palabras abren Laudato Si'.
Pages | 40 |
Copyright | 2023 |
ISBN | 978-1-63966-227-2 |
Item | T2912 |
In his apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum ("Praise God"), Pope Francis addresses environmental concerns in the world with the respect to human life and dignity. This follow-up to his encyclical Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home looks at what has happened since 2015 when the encyclical was released and what still needs to be done.
In this encyclical letter Mysterium Fidei, Pope Paul VI hopes for a new wave of Eucharistic devotion to sweep over the Church. He also seeks to dispel false opinions on the Eucharist that had arisen at the time the encyclical was promulgated in 1965 during the Second Vatican Council. This document later provided the foundation for the Council’s historic Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.
In his second encyclical, Pope Francis follows and expands on Catholic teaching on mankind’s responsibility to care for God’s creation, and protection and care for the most vulnerable.
In his third encyclical, Fratelli tutti, Pope Francis reflects on a topic of great importance: human solidarity and friendship. Following his election to the papacy, Pope Francis first greeted the world with the words fratelli e sorelle — “brothers and sisters.” In this encyclical, he continues to address all men and women as his brothers and sisters, calling us to consider what our common brotherhood requires of us.