What the Church Teaches

What the Church Teaches

Cohabitation, Spanish Edition  

Lorene Hanley Duquin
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There is disconnect between what society tolerates and what the Church teaches on cohabitation. It is an increasingly important issue due to the realities of divorce and a struggling economy. The serious impact of cohabitation on families, peers, and attitudes towards other tough life choices makes it a universal concern across all ages and demographics. Our Sunday Visitor's pamphlet, What the Church Teaches: Cohabitation, helps put the issue in perspective with a pastoral, yet direct tone. There is plenty of secular research to support Church teachings on the negative impact of cohabitation as well as the value of the Church's approach to marriage as a lifelong commitment.

For a non-reproducible PDF of this pamphlet, click here. The PDF is meant for review only and should not be reproduced in any form.

Also available in English.


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